Discover Our Vibrant Village Kundaru Jhanjh

Kundaru Jhanjh is a village situated in the Dabhra tehsil of Sakti district in Chhattisgarh, India, identified by the village code 437203 according to the 2011 census. The village is located approximately 17 km from the sub-district headquarters of Dabhra and about 48 km from the district headquarters of Sakti. As of 2009, Kundaru Jhanjh falls under the jurisdiction of the Mirauni gram panchayat. The village covers a total area of 147.46 hectares and has a population of 454 people, consisting of 230 males and 224 females. The literacy rate in Kundaru Jhanjh stands at 56.61%, with 59.13% of males and 54.02% of females being literate. This demographic information highlights both the educational challenges and opportunities present in this rural community.



Community Driven

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Kundaru jhanjh


9 AM - 5 PM

Village Gallery

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